Try this. Stretch your arms out like the illustration and say out loud, "It's a beautiful day!" This is my favorite demonstration, because as soon as I do this I feel joy running through my body. Even if I wasn't thinking it was a beautiful day, my body takes on that feeling.
That's because words have power, especially spoken words. The vibrations of the words are felt by your body.
Our bodies are primarily made of water so it makes sense that sound vibrations which move so easily through water, would be felt in a physical sense.
When I was working for Okanogan Juvenile Court, we had 7 am meetings. I'm not a morning person. So I had to fake it. When I came in at this ridiculously to me early hour, I would make myself say "Good morning" with a smile on my face, even if I wasn't feeling it. Just that bit of positivity was enough to perk me up.
Part of what is happening is that our bodies like structure. We tend to try to make things congruent so that the words we say will fit how we feel.
There is also something to be said for self-fulfilling prophecies. Once you pick a theme or state a belief, afterwards you listen for information that supports those ideas.
Yes, the body can be fooled.
But be careful. Negative statements can make you feel sad or angry. You can stress yourself with too much negativity and it can cause health issues. Stress is bad for your health. It effects the immune system and most of our organs react to stress in an unhealthy way.
Watching our words and focusing on positive thoughts will help us stay healthy.