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Tear down a fence

That felt good. It was rotten and half falling over anyway. And I hated painting it. The cute white picket fence around my front porch kept the deer from eating my begonias.

But essentially this was part of a dog run that goes all around my house. I don't have a dog.

I have cats. I like dogs, but I'm not going to get a dog. Cats better fit my lifestyle.

I had planned to replace the fence with something more pacific northwest rainy day friendly, like a decorative metal fence. But now that it's down, it feels more open and I think I like it just the way it is.

I will have to rethink my flowers for the front porch because the deer will walk right up and eat the flowers right out of my window box if I plant something they like.

I'm trying nasturtiums and marigolds. My neighbors told me that deer don't like them. And I love the peppery nasturtium leaves and their bright flowers in my green salads. I'll have to move the columbines and clematis to my back deck where I now have a kitchen herb garden.

It's good to make a change sometimes. What worked for someone else, doesn't necessarily fit my needs. Sometimes less is more!

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