I once wrote a children's story about a teacher with magical powers. Her powers came from her rose colored glasses. In the story, when the teacher read stories to her classroom, her glasses projected illustrations into the classroom, creating reality out of story. Some days there could be dinosaurs in the room, other days there might be unicorns.
This story shall remain unpublished, but I still like the idea of making the world seem a little bit rosier through wearing rose colored lenses.
There is some truth in this. Color has a vibration to it, a connotation of different kinds of energy.
Years ago, in 1998, Cosmopolitan Magazine ran an advertisement for different sunglass makers who had colored lenses with an interpretaion of what color therapists suggested each color of lenses might do for its wearer.
How fun is this? Pink lenses could give energy; orange lenses could create happiness; yellow could inspire joy and also are what truckers wear at night to cut down on glare and skiiers wear to protect their eyes from snow blindness. No surprise that lavender could inspire tranquility. Blue could give the wearer patience. Purple could enhance inspiration and magenta could give its wearer creativity.
Mood altering fun! with a variety of advantages.
So i had to look and yes. these are available. Amazon carries color therapy glasses in a variety of colors. I also found them available from YesGlasses and Allexpress. Balkowitsch also has color therapy glasses. Foster Grant offers sunglasses with a variety of lens colors. Their website said that current fashion trending colors are green because it helps keep colors accurate maintains color accuracy and enhances contrast. Amber glasses are popular for cutting down on the blue light from electronic devices. Sports lovers like yellow glasses to help them focus on moving objects. Also popular now are pink and red colors for reducing glare. Blue colors add a fashion pop and also enhance contrast.
Maybe we can all make a little magic in our world.