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Lavender or Not

Don't like the smell of lavender? That's okay. Not everyone likes the scent. As nice as it is for calming and improving sleep, there are other options.

From Blissfully Single, A Single's Guide to Happiness, by Peggy Sullivan:

You can choose your own aromatherapy treatment from some of the essential oils that promote relaxation and support sleep:

 Lavender - eases agitation and restlessness, decreases heart rate, treats insomnia

 Vanilla bean - relaxes, has antidepressant qualities, elevates mood

 Valerian extract - promotes deep sleep, increases GABA (neurotransmitter that promotes sleep), helps sleep to come more quickly

 Sandalwood - eases sleep problems for people with allergies, promotes deep sleep

 Juniper - promotes falling asleep quickly, treats insomnia, treats menstrual problems

 Lemon - reduces anxiety, lowers blood pressure, treats insomnia especially after menopause

 Bergamot - reduces cortisol, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate

 Frankincense - promotes relaxation and restful sleep, opens breathing passages, helps acclimatize the body for ideal sleeping temperature

 Ravensara - reduces allergy symptoms, improves quality of sleep, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties

 Sweet Marjoram - good for shift workers sleep, stabilizes heart function, regulates nervous system, calms emotions

 Chamomile - relaxes, helps reduce fatigue during the day, treats insomnia

 Geranium - improves mood, reduces anxiety, cleans lymph systems, along with lavender treats insomnia, balances female hormones

 Rose - treats grief and depression, relaxes body, treats aches and pains

 Ylang Ylang - improves sleep quality, relaxes body, has an antidepressant effect, eases hypertension

 Jasmine - lowers heart rate, reduces anxiety, has a sedative effect on mood

 Vetiver – soothes anxiety and insomnia, increases inhalation and decreases exhalation and so may reduce snoring

People are particular about different scents that they like or don’t. That's the joy of choosing the best fit for you!

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