This is what a year of good things looks like. I know that it has more positive memories than I could think of off the top of my head.
I have tried to be a good friend this year. I hope that my collection of good things in a jar reflects the many wonderful people who have touched my life this year.
Without Covid being quite so prevalent, it has been easier to do those fun social activities with friends. I've been to plays, lunches, dinners, art galleries, musical events, educational presentations, gone walking, bird watching, played golf, gathered for board games, and met on Zoom for poetry reading and writing practice. I've met with my art groups to practice and celebrate our art and further our art education.
Family has again been paramount in my life. My son and grandson I see almost every week. I've been to Montana to visit my daughter's family three times, once with my son and grandson. They came here twice. We've particularly enjoyed watching the three cousins learn to play together and form bonds. Forever after, we will think about going on flashlight hikes when their energy needs a release and we need a break.
Our brains aren't wired for thinking of positive things first. It's a survival thing. First we must be aware of danger. We must see the bad things in order to deal with them successfully. When there is a need to react, we must be able to do it immediately. That's how we survive. But in order to thrive, we need to be aware as well as the good things in our lives.
My friends and family have certainly been a big help in a year where I managed to have Norovirus, run over my own foot with my car, and spend a vacation in a hospital with E Coli. Checking in with me is always appreciated. Friends and family have given me rides for medical issues and I've given as many rides as I have been able to as well. That's how we help each other; to make each others needs a priority so that we help each other thrive.
Besides the friends who have helped me manage my tables and grids and boxes of books for markets this year, I also realize, as I do my end of year book inventory, that a lot of people have supported my art. I don't even know who they are, but I'm so thankful that people think to buy a card from a local artist or a book from a local writer. I've been able to expand on my art projects and create new things because of this support. Wow.. Thank you to all those people who contribute with their support. It may seem unnoticed, but we who sell our wares really really appreciate you.
I don't do new year's resolutions. They all look the same anyway. They are all about trying to meet self improvement goals and that's never going to change. But I will make another vow for next year to spread as much joy as I can.
I hope that you, dear readers, gain some joy from my posts. I wish there were more of you, so that I could spread even more joy. But I am grateful that you have taken the time to read what I have written and I hope that it has made a difference in your life.